
A twenty-something couple embarking on a new life together

Name: Matthias Lee
Date: 3rd May 2008
Time: 2.04AM
Weight: 2.905KG
Length: 51cm
Name: Matthew Lee
Date: August 2012
Time: TBC
Weight: TBC
Length: TBC
Date: 1st July 2007
Planner: Serene from Wicked Plans
Venue: Fullerton Hotel
Bridal Studio: Sophia Wedding Collection
Videography: Academy Video
Date: 4th March 2007
Venue: Jumbo Restaurant at Stadium Waterfront
JP: Mrs Chia Swee Tin
Wedding Bands: Lee Hwa Affiniti
Posted at Sunday, April 20, 2008
Yesterday was a mixed bag.

Scratched the car in the morning against some shrubs - no thanks to a crappy driver who had to hog a major part of the driveway and forced me to keep far too left. Oh well, nothing that some polishing and paintwork can't fix.

Then the exams. I wrote or rather scribbled for almost three hours and at the end of it, I still don't know what I was writing. Oh well, at least I know I'm still capable of churning out rubbish at an impressive rate.

And then in the evening, went to my Grandma's place to celebrate her birthday. It was really fun to see all my uncles, aunties, cousins, my nephews and my niece all in one place. But it was really sad at the same time to see my Grandma in her current state. I can't help but wonder whether she's truly aware of her surroundings anymore.

Old age - that's something we all gotta face. But in some ways, it's harder for the people around you than for yourself to face it. When I sometimes think of your grandparents, I can't help but realise that they aren't young anymore. I sometimes wonder how I would feel if they were to be gone one day - and there's always a lump in my throat when I consider that possibility.

So dear Matthias, my advice to you today is a simple one. Cherish your family. Always. That's about as simple as that. I have to admit that I never really did that when I was younger. I guess I always took my family for granted. I guess I only really woke up when your cousin Ethan was born. Suddenly, it hit home that my brother was a father. I was suddenly an uncle. My parents were grandparents... And somehow, I came to accept that they weren't quite that young anymore. And it also seemed to me that your cousin Ethan was growing up so fast...

Somewhere around that time, I came to truly realise how important my family was to me. And that was when I decided to get my priorities in life set straight.

So dear Matthias and your siblings to come, I don't expect you'll understand this point all that well. I guess most of us never do when we are young. But one day I'm sure you will...
posted by Mal 2:15 PM  

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