
A twenty-something couple embarking on a new life together

Name: Matthias Lee
Date: 3rd May 2008
Time: 2.04AM
Weight: 2.905KG
Length: 51cm
Name: Matthew Lee
Date: August 2012
Time: TBC
Weight: TBC
Length: TBC
Date: 1st July 2007
Planner: Serene from Wicked Plans
Venue: Fullerton Hotel
Bridal Studio: Sophia Wedding Collection
Videography: Academy Video
Date: 4th March 2007
Venue: Jumbo Restaurant at Stadium Waterfront
JP: Mrs Chia Swee Tin
Wedding Bands: Lee Hwa Affiniti
May 3rd 2.04am
Posted at Saturday, May 03, 2008
Matthias - Welcome to the world!

It was a long wait indeed.

By 5pm, your mummy was still feeling perfectly fine. We both thought that she was probably going to need another dose of prostin at 10pm so I thought that I might as well go collect the maid from the agency first. Your mummy wanted to go too as she was bored but then the nurse strongly advised against it. Somehow, your mummy started feeling a little backache at the same time and so she decided to stay. I went off at 5.30pm thinking that it probably was going to be at least 12 hours before I get to see you...

So I picked up the maid, brought her upstairs to your grandma, bought dinner for them and then went home to bring potato chips and chocolates for your mummy. And that was when she called me to tell me that it was starting to hurt badly. Well, I think I really pushed our car pretty hard after that.

Once I reached our ward, your mummy was already sitting in the wheelchair waiting for the nurse to bring her down to the delivery ward. I quickly left everything and picked up the videocam and went down with her. We were then admitted to suite 30 and your mummy was starting to hurt really badly. Anyway, it turns out that videocams aren't allowed so I hurried back upstairs to get the camera instead. :p

So anyway, your mummy was hurting and the senior staff nurse Thelva checked her cervix for dilation at around 8pm. It was still only 1cm but while examining, the waterbag burst as well and your mummy was hurting so badly that she teared. My heart was really aching badly to see her that way. With the waterbag burst, it was going to be much more painful from then on. And it really was - the contractions were coming 3 minutes apart and lasting almost 3 minutes each. It was bad and your mummy opted for epidural straightaway. However, Prof John Tee advised against it as he felt it was still too early. So she just took the Pethidine injection first. It helped to relieve the backache but the contractions were still proving too painful. After an hour or so, she could not take it anymore so the anaesthetist was paged. When he came, he informed us that your mummy would need to have a blood test first to rule out the presence of a certain chemical that could result in blood clots due to her high blood pressure. The test seemed to take forever and while waiting, it turned out that the dilation had opened to almost 7cm already! From 1cm to 7cm in the space of less than 3 hours... The nurse said your mummy was lucky which was probably true since she effectively got to skip a couple of hours of pain. Well she couldn't quite agree then in her state of pain....

Anyway, the blood test result finally came at around 11pm and your mummy was good to go. I wasn't allowed to stay during the procedure but when I came back, I saw your mummy in a much more relaxed mood. The epidural was definitely a god-send! However, her dilation was still only 8cm but the nurse said that her cervix wall was very thick and swollen, probably due to the numerous contractions. With the pain gone, your mummy managed to nap for an hour before she started to feel a small amount of pain again. It was then that Prof Tee came back around 1.30am and when she told him about the pain, he suspected that she might be ready. He checked and yes she was!

Prof Tee then asked your mummy to push hard but it was clear that it was going to be a long labour. He was concerned about your fluctuating heart rate heart rate which always dropped to 50-100BPM whenever she experienced a contraction. He said that it was possible that the cord was around your neck and so he wanted to speed up the delivery with forceps. We of course took his advice and before we knew it, the forceps was clamped against your head and he was pulling hard while your mummy pushed. The episiotomy was performed and then I saw your head and then your neck and more heartbreakingly, I saw the cord wound around your neck. The next moments were a blur as you seemed to smoothly slide out and your cord was cut, you were placed on the warmer, cord blood was drawn and the stitching began.

So on May 3rd, 2.04am, you were brought into this world! You opened your eyes in about 10 minutes after you were placed on the warmer. It was so amazing... The nurse weighed you in at 2.905kg, measured your length of 51cm and your head circumference at 33cm. Like your mummy said, the whole day felt like a dream. But when we finally held you in our arms, it was reality alright. We both know we are going to love you so much!
posted by Mal 10:22 AM  

  • At 10:58 AM, May 04, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Congrats, dude! :D


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