
A twenty-something couple embarking on a new life together

Name: Matthias Lee
Date: 3rd May 2008
Time: 2.04AM
Weight: 2.905KG
Length: 51cm
Name: Matthew Lee
Date: August 2012
Time: TBC
Weight: TBC
Length: TBC
Date: 1st July 2007
Planner: Serene from Wicked Plans
Venue: Fullerton Hotel
Bridal Studio: Sophia Wedding Collection
Videography: Academy Video
Date: 4th March 2007
Venue: Jumbo Restaurant at Stadium Waterfront
JP: Mrs Chia Swee Tin
Wedding Bands: Lee Hwa Affiniti
I'm 15 weeks!!!
Posted at Saturday, August 16, 2008
Today, I'm 15 weeks old and I'm growing fast. I'm still trying to figure out this new world though. Not long ago, the things I saw were all blurred and plain but now I can see colours. Colours that made up my mummy and daddy, colours that made up this beautiful world. Everytime I see colourful things, I can't help but give it a big smile like that.

So far, my life have been pretty interesting and I can sense that I brought much joy to those people around me especially mummy and daddy, at the same time, I could also feel that they are tired and frustrated at times because I am so cranky. Nevertheless, I know they sure love me alot cos they have sacrificed so much for me such as mummy taking time to express milk for me (Yummy!), daddy always waking up in the middle of the night to warm the milk and feed me, daddy spending his time to plan our future and his money to buy toys for me. Thank you, daddy and mummy! Look at me on my new bumbo seat.

I remember I was down with a cold like almost a month ago after my vaccination and I was always cranky cos I couldn't breathe properly with my blocked nose and phelgm. I felt so sorry for daddy and mummy cos they have to put up with my incessant crying and the times when I refused to drink milk. It did get better for a while but the past week, I started again. It's not that I don't like mummy's milk but I just don't have the appetite and don't feel like drinking. I also realised I am always drooling, I love to bite on things, I'm having runny/blocked nose sometimes and few days back I had slight fever. Grandma called that teething and mummy tried to use her finger to feel for something in my mouth though I'm not sure what. But I really like to bite on her finger. *Grin*

Mummy has started working for almost 3 weeks now and we are more or less settle into our new routine except that I do miss seeing her in the afternoon. I always look forward to the evenings when they are back home to play with me and make me sleep (I love sleeping in between them). But sometimes they just like to put me in my hammock, though I would really prefer them to rock me alittle. Hee.. I also love spending my weekends with just them. Recently, they brought me to swim and it was good fun kicking in the water. I think I'm going to swim later cos I overheard them planning it and that daddy's parents and auntie might be there to see me too.

Anyway, I went for my 3rd hearing test last week and my left ear failed again. The 1st time was done when I was just borned and my left ear failed, the 2nd was done 2 weeks later and both passed. So chances are 66% my left ear is not working (well), probably just like mummy. I don't know if it will affect me alot but mummy and daddy assured me that it's alright. :)

Now, let's look at some of my pictures. Mummy and daddy took so many pictures of me and now I have a big album, even much more than what they have taken together before. Hehe..

Trying to reach my pacifier:

See I can hold my mitten!


My First Class seat.. So shiok

Oops, mummy caught me shitting!!

My lovely playmate, Cousin Theodore!

I'm going out for dinner!! Yeah..
posted by Baby Matthias 2:04 AM  

  • At 12:54 AM, October 03, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wah... matthias looks like malcom! kekeke...


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