
A twenty-something couple embarking on a new life together

Name: Matthias Lee
Date: 3rd May 2008
Time: 2.04AM
Weight: 2.905KG
Length: 51cm
Name: Matthew Lee
Date: August 2012
Time: TBC
Weight: TBC
Length: TBC
Date: 1st July 2007
Planner: Serene from Wicked Plans
Venue: Fullerton Hotel
Bridal Studio: Sophia Wedding Collection
Videography: Academy Video
Date: 4th March 2007
Venue: Jumbo Restaurant at Stadium Waterfront
JP: Mrs Chia Swee Tin
Wedding Bands: Lee Hwa Affiniti
Posted at Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The last day of the year. What a year it has been. The past few years have been pretty amazing but perhaps none as precious as this last one. Sure, the world is going topsy-turvy. The recession has begun. People are being retrenched. The earth is heating up badly. Earthquakes, landslides, polar icecaps melting, droughts and floods. Terrorist attack and innocent lives lost. Ceasefires ending and wars on the verge of breakout. Everything bad that could happen seems to have happened this year...

But then there's you. There's you to remind us that nothing in life is quite so important as the ones close to you. You have brought such joy into our lives. Your smiles and cries. Tantrums and shrieks of joy. Sitting and tumbling down. Crawling and flipping. You may not remember us watching you. But I'm glad I was there to see it all.

The past year has really flown by. Events that happened last year seem to have occurred only yesterday. My cousin has left us for more than a year and a half now - yet I can still remember receiving the shocking news. My grandma was still able to attend our wedding last July but she's a shadow of that now and was unable to attend my cousin's wedding. A close friend in secondary school whom I've sadly lost touched with has passed away...

My grandma. I can still remember my grandfather. Somehow, I can still remember holding his hand and walking to a video rental shop one evening. I don't know why but that memory has somehow always stuck to me. And I still remember the day when I learnt of his passing. My grandma. Sometimes, I really think it'll be a release for her when she finally moves on. Yet at the same time, I find it so hard to imgaine what life would be like when she's no longer around. The heart tightens.

My parents and my aunts. They aren't young anymore. They are healthy now but I always have this crippling fear of something happening one day. My grandma was fine one moment and then wheelchair bound the next. These things can happen so suddenly... I always tell myself I should do more and spend more time with my family. But somehow it never seems to be enough...

And there's you. Of all the things I fear, the one I can't ever imagine is losing you. Nowadays, whenever I read articles of parents losing their young ones, I can always feel their heartache. I never fail to wonder how I would react if something should ever happen to you. It's a feeling beyond describing. Before you came, I could never comprehend my parent's love. But now, it's all crystal clear to me...

So dearest Matthias, you'll be eight months old as 2009 begins. 2010 will seem very far away for you but to Daddy and Mummy, it'll come all too soon. Hopefully when I write about 2009, it'll be mostly good news.

To 2008, adieu and farewell.
posted by Malcolm 6:33 PM  

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