
A twenty-something couple embarking on a new life together

Name: Matthias Lee
Date: 3rd May 2008
Time: 2.04AM
Weight: 2.905KG
Length: 51cm
Name: Matthew Lee
Date: August 2012
Time: TBC
Weight: TBC
Length: TBC
Date: 1st July 2007
Planner: Serene from Wicked Plans
Venue: Fullerton Hotel
Bridal Studio: Sophia Wedding Collection
Videography: Academy Video
Date: 4th March 2007
Venue: Jumbo Restaurant at Stadium Waterfront
JP: Mrs Chia Swee Tin
Wedding Bands: Lee Hwa Affiniti
Moving in
Posted at Monday, February 12, 2007
We've finally moved in!

We spent the last four days moving all our stuff into our new place. Tiring four days... A few minor hiccups along the way but we're settled in for the most part.

Our wooden blinds have been installed. Expensive but definitely worth it.

Our dining table was delivered together with our coffee table. The sofa is going to be delivered this Wednesday due to a holdup at the customs. I guess sofas need to be checked more thoroughly - I wouldn't want some cop to come bashing down our door and slashing the sofa seats to reveal a million bucks worth of grass... :p

Our platform bed and king-size mattress is in... Damm, it looks so good but yet we can only sleep on it four months later. It's going to be a long four months... Our master bedroom is pretty full, I wonder where are we gonna put our baby cot next time.... hmm...

Our study table and bookshelf were delivered - the study table turned out to take up considerably more space than we envisioned. On the other hand, I don't think we can ever complain that we don't have enough space to do our work on. Oh well, as long as it fits....

Our sofa bed is in and we've spent the last two nights sleeping on it. It's pretty comfy - if there wasn't the other mattress in the master bedroom to compare with.... Argh.. Patience, patience...

Our washer and dryer are in, but the dryer was mounted pretty high above the washer. We're gonna need to get a stool to access the dryer properly. At least the wife will need it.... Oh, the washer is quiet. We've used it and I find myself periodically checking to see if it is still working as it barely makes a whimper. The dryer is a different story of course. You can't miss its roar.

The fridge. The fridge. *sigh* Daniel from DAV Electronics called me on Thursday afternoon to let me know that the agent had no more stock! There was some screwup at the agent's side and Daniel was kind enough to loan a replacement fridge to tide me over till the fridge is delivered after the Chinese New Year. Initially, we wanted to cancel the order and buy from Best Denki instead. However, we found out later from the Best Denki staff that they had no stock either and more importantly, they cost almost $400 more... Oh well, we went back to DAV and took their loan fridge of course. In any case, I'm really impressed by their service, it wasn't their fault afterall. I don't think many dealers would go to such an extent. Their margins are already pretty low and yet they were still thoughtful enough to provide a loaner. This is definitely a place to recommend to others in future.

Our poor laminate flooring has quite a few scratches already. I think that's partly due to the fact that it's textured. Gotta go Homefix to find some stuff that can help to cover up the scratches. Hopefully it'll be as good as new or at least invisible to the passing glance.

We've been so busy these few days that we haven't even managed to take any pictures. Guess we'll do it after the sofa comes in.

It's been really fun. Really tiring. Really expensive.... But all worth it.

And now, to live the rest of our lives together, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, regardless of race language or religion.. wait, that didn't come out right....
posted by Mal 3:04 PM  

  • At 10:13 PM, February 14, 2007, Blogger CK said…

    Yo cuz~

    Congrats to your moving in! haha.. I can imagine how much fun and exhaustion you 2 have after moving so many things! haha... but definitely as you say, it is worth it.

    Wish you all the best~ catch up during CNY! =)

    Happy CNY!


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